Premsagar L. Dhane, Dr. G. Varadhrajhulu


Background: In OA knee joint lower extremity muscle weakness is important factor in knee pathology
.strengthen exercise improve clinical nding in knee OA patient, such as pain and quality of life.
Although obese people have great absolute legs strength than there non obese counterpart, the opposite actually it's true when
normalizing body mass. Muscle strength in obese people is off special patho mechanical interest because obesity independent
affects the knee mechanically.
Objectives: Objectives of the study were to nd out effect of quadriceps strengthing in Grade II OA of knee joint in GRADE I, II
and III obese individuals
Material and methods: Pre and post test assessment was done with 1RM and MMT
Results: Statistical analysis of Quadriceps strengthening was found extremely signicant in grade I obese individual with knee
joint OA
Conclusion: The study concluded that there is marked increase in strength in grade 1 obesity as compared to grade II, and
Grade III obesity.


Graded obesity, OA knee joint, quadriceps strengthening

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