Latifah Susilowati, Yanita Trisetiyaningsih, Dwi Yati


Background: Toddler age entered in the golden age stage because the development and growth at that stage affect the subsequent development. Early childhood development is one of the programs in the Sustainable Development Goals to be a priority to be achieved in 2030. Many factors can influence children's development. Health professionals and parents need to understand this to avoid factors that can cause children to experience developmental delays. Objectives: to find factors related to the development in toodler. Methods: A present cross sectional study was conducted from April to September 2019 in Public Health Depok 1 Sleman, Indonesia. Sampling method employed was Acidental sampling with 60 respondent. Factors the influence development in toddler colleted by questionnaire and tooddler development was assessed using the pre development screening questionnaire from the ministry of health. Multivariate analysis used logistic regression tests and bivariate analysis used the fisher test. Results: The logistic regression test results showed that the education level of the mother had a value of p = 0.017 and OR 0.077. The nutritional status of children shows the value of p = 0.032 and OR 0.98. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of mother's education and the nutritional status with the development in toodlers. Children with low-educated mothers have a 0.077 fold risk of developing developmental problems and children who have less nutritional status have a 0.098 fold risk of developing developmental problems. Health workers need to educate the factors that can influence children's development to parents.


Toodler; Development; Factors

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