Dr Prabhat Kumar, Dr D. K. Das, Dr S. K. Sinha, Dr Shweta Kumari, Dr Md Habibullah Ansari


Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the effect of topical testosterone on penile length, preputial hood, vascularity of dartos pedicle in patients with
distal hypospadias.
Materials and Methods: A total of 42 patients patients with distal hypospadias were included in this study. All were randomly allocated to 2
groups before surgical correction. Group 1 did not receive any treatment and group 2 received 1% testosterone propionate ointment twice daily for
30 days before surgery. Increase in penile length, transverse preputial diameter, and diameter at the base of penis were noted.
Results: Following topical testosterone application, the mean increase in penile length, transverse preputial width and diameter at the base of penis
was 1.01 ± 0.25 cm, 1.250 ± 0.52 cm and 0.61 ± 0.35 cm, respectively.
Conclusion: Testosterone increased phallus size, diameter and prepuce hypertrophy without any adverse effects.

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