Dr. Deepa Banker, Dr. Bijal Shah, Dr. Shachi Ganatra, Dr. Kavita Rathod, Dr. Almin Mansuri, Dr. Margav Ambani


Where hypopituitarism is common but congenital hypopituitarism is rare. Severe prenatal deciency of
GH as occur in congenital hypopituitarism has little effect on fetal growth. Prenatal and congenital
deciency can reduce the size of male penis especially when gonadotropins are also decient. Severe GH deciency in early
childhood also result in slower muscular development so that gross motor mile stone such as standing ,walking and jumping
may be delayed. Bone age is helpful as it is usually delayed in patient with congenital Growth hormone deciency.
Incidence: Between 1 in 4000 and 1 in 10000 live births.


Congenital Panhypopituitarism, Growth Hormone Deciency, Development Delay

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