Dr Neha Momale, Dr Varun Shetty


Introduction:  MI is myocardial cell necrosis due to significant and sustained ischemia  caused by obstruction to blood flow due to plaques in the coronary arteries. An early diagnosis and thrombolysis reduces complications and mortality. Objective: To study the complications of thrombolysis in MI. Methodology: Observational prospective study in a tertiary care hospital  where 50 pts (divided into two groups, depending upon the time of occurrence of symptoms into <4hrs and >4hrs) following the inclusion criteria were thrombolysed and were followed up. Results: Patients thrombolysed within 4 hrs had better outcome including medical management, lesser arrhythmias and overall mortality. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and thrombolysis in MI is important in decreasing the complications and  mortality.


Thrombolysis, Myocardial infarction.

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